Posted by: kathryngraves | October 23, 2012


“Seven times a day I praise You, because of Your righteous judgments.” Psalm 119:165

I’ve been reading One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp. The book is about her eucharisteo experiment. Eucharisteo means “to give thanks.” It is the word from which we get “eucharist.” The root word is charis, meaning “grace.” But it also holds another Greek word, chara, which means “joy.” So it follows, we give thanks with joy for the grace-gifts the Lord gives us.

One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are

Voskamp began keeping a list of “grace-gifts”–the things she could be thankful for–intending to aim for 1,000. The result is her book, a never-ending list, and a life transformed. I chose this verse from Psalm 119 because seven is the perfect number and I think the full meaning here is that we never stop praising God, never stop  giving thanks for His grace-gifts. Like Ann Voskamp. Like me, now.

I own a beautiful, leather journal given to me by one of my children. I have always been intimidated by beautiful journals. I never want to mess one up, feeling that somehow mundane thoughts are too ordinary to be written within such beauty. These extraordinary volumes should be kept for supreme ideas. Lofty goals. Profound words of wisdom. As a consequence, several empty journals occupy my bookshelves. This leather one, however, stands alone. It is at once ethereal and earthy. I have never known what words I should pen on its pages. But now I do know. This book will become my eucharisteo record.

My challenge to you is that you join me. First, begin reading Voskamp’s book. Second, find a journal in which to record your thanksgiving journey. I invite you to share with me any insights you gain along the way, any ways in which this experiment changes you.

Special thanks to Erika Lair for introducing One Thousand Gifts to me.

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